Bangalore to Kabini river lodge
Born in Pachmarhi, my love for jungles still runs through my bloodstream. One of the reasons I get sweepingly sentimental over weekends if I don’t get to go out of the concrete walls of my home. I need to breathe directly beneath the sky and refresh my olefactory system in the vicinity of huge trees as often as possible,seriously.

Either tigers have some problem with me or I’m more scary, as other than the tiger we saw most animals. This is despite the company of very optimistic people on our safari jeep who kept reiterating ‘today we shall definitely see a tiger’. Until 2 days before, the tiger was seen on the tiger tank there every evening. Now I know the ‘japa’ was because of the doubt,we were all believers of probability more than anything.And as they say,The good things that you expect …it is on your way

But all that is worth in order to experience staying in tents, going on jungle safaris, listening to the wild melody and no TV, no cricket!! I loved it.

Traveling to Coorg from Kabini river Lodge

Do want to go back to Kabini again and meet Mr Tiger……this trip was just an appetizer. Anyone interested in coming along??